10 Endangered Species You Need to Know About

10 Endangered Species You Need to Know About

The Hedgehog

We talk about the hedgehog a lot here, and even have a whole gift range inspired by this lovely creature. You may have noticed less and less hedgehogs in the garden over the past few decades, and that’s because their numbers have been declining rapidly. Habitat destruction could be responsible, but also building up areas with lots of roads can cut off hedgehogs from others, leading to in-breeding in the area and thinning the population, not to mention road accidents.

You can help this species by creating hedgehog highways that they can use to safely travel through gardens, and even leaving food and water out.

You can learn more about the hedgehog here.

DIY Hedgehog Headband Kit


The Dormouse

Quite an elusive little creature in the UK, the dormouse tends to inhabit hedgerows where they can be hidden, and also amongst foods they like, including berries. For this reason, they aren’t huge amounts of photos of dormice anymore, plus the fact that they spend a lot of the year in hibernation.

The Scottish Wildcat

The Scottish wildcat is the last wild cat species left in the UK, with a dwindling population. Over the years they have breed with domestic cats and produced half-wild offspring, but pure wildcats are quite a rare sight to see.

The Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly

The Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly, once a common sight in the UK, is now facing alarming declines. This beautiful butterfly is recognized by its vibrant orange and black wings with blue spots. Its population has been affected by habitat loss, changes in agricultural practices, and climate change, which have led to the degradation of its natural habitats. Conservation efforts are crucial to restore wildflower meadows and maintain hedgerows, which are vital for the survival of these butterflies. By supporting these initiatives, we can help ensure that the Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly remains a cherished part of the UK’s natural heritage.

The Red Squirrel

The red squirrel is perhaps one of the most iconic endangered species of the UK, it’s something we are taught quite quickly that reds are impacted by the greys in a big way. This impact includes greys competing for food and territory, and because they are bigger and like a bigger variety of food, they often win. The grey squirrels also carry a disease called Squirrelpox, which they can live with, but is often lethal to a red squirrel. Because of this, reds have to stay in safe zones across the UK, where the population can be monitored and any nearby greys can be removed in a buffer zone around it. Conservation efforts focus on maintaining those areas, hopefully to see more spring up across the countryside in the future.

You can view our red squirrel collection here.

The Turtle Dove

The Turtle Dove, a symbol of love and peace, is sadly one of the UK's most threatened bird species. Over the past few decades, its population has plummeted due to habitat loss, changes in farming practices, and hunting along migration routes. These delicate birds depend on a mosaic of habitats, including hedgerows and open fields, for nesting and feeding. Conservation efforts are now focused on creating Turtle Dove-friendly environments by planting wildflower meadows and ensuring safe migratory pathways. Protecting and restoring these habitats is vital to prevent this beautiful dove from vanishing from the UK’s skies.


The Pine Marten

The Pine Marten, a sleek and elusive mammal, is making a slow but hopeful comeback in the UK. Once widespread, this carnivorous mammal faced severe declines due to habitat destruction and persecution. Pine Martens thrive in well-wooded areas, relying on a mix of forest types for hunting and denning. Recent conservation efforts, including reintroduction programs and habitat restoration, have shown promise in increasing their numbers. By continuing to protect and expand their forest habitats, we can support the resurgence of Pine Martens, helping to restore balance in our woodland ecosystems.


The Lesser-Spotted Woodpecker

The lesser-spotted woodpecker is closely related to the greater spotted woodpecker, with barely a few markings different. The main difference you will see between them is the much smaller size of the lesser-spotted woodpecker.

The Hare

The hare has been declining for years, and while it is not yet endangered, the decline has been rapid. This could be down to the open season on hunting hares, in the UK they are the only animal without a closed season, and also for the usual habitat destruction that affects a lot of species endangered in recent years. When hares give birth to their young, they leave them alone during the day as to not attract attention from a predator, unfortunately this does mean that sometimes the predators get lucky anyway and find them, so a lot of young don’t make it through the first few crucial weeks.


The hare print here shows some yellow daffodils and large pink flowers at the base of a hare's portrait, illustrated in a digital style on a white background. The print then sits on a wooden background.

The hare has been featured across our gift collection, you can see it here.

The Otter

The Otter, once on the brink of extinction in the UK, is now a conservation success story, yet it remains a species of concern. Otters rely on clean rivers, lakes, and wetlands for their survival, making them vulnerable to water pollution and habitat destruction. Thanks to improved water quality and legal protection, otter populations have been recovering, and they are slowly returning to their former habitats. Ongoing efforts to maintain clean waterways and protect their natural environments are essential to ensure that otters continue to thrive, offering a glimpse of hope for the future of this charming aquatic mammal.

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